o/a Wikwemikong Development Commission
Summer Career Program
Attention potential summer students! Are you interest in gaining valuable skills and employment experience all while earning your own income this summer? Apply now!
Summer Student Eligibility;
- Full-time student returning in the fall
- Between the ages of 15-30 years old
- Must be a registered band member
- Have a valid Social Insurance Number
How to Apply:
Submit a completed application (must have S.I.N.) along with an updated resume, and an Enrolment Form/School Transcripts to verify your return in the fall to:
Leeann Peltier
Wikwemikong Development Commission
2102 Wikwemikong Way
Wikwemikong, ON P0P 2J0
p: (705) 859-3001 ext. 225
f: (705) 859-2000
e: scpcoordinator@wikydevcom.ca
Current list of Employers:
-Debajmuhjig Theatre Group
-Enaadmaagehjik (WDC)
-Taylor Sawmill
-The Island Butcher
-W.U.T. Finance Dept.
-W.U.T. Housing Authority
-Wiikwemkoong Arena
-Wiikwemkoong Ontario Works
-Wiikwemkoong Tourism
-Your Dollar Store with More
Still need to apply for a Social Insurance Number?
Original documents required:
- Birth Certificate
- ID with legal name and date of birth
You can apply in person at Service Canada. Our nearest location is located at 721 Centre St Suite 2, Espanola, ON
For more information (or to apply for a S.I.N. online) click here.
June 13, 2024: Employer application deadline has been extended to June 28, 2024!
Attention potential summer student employers! You can receive attentive and diligent student employee(s) for 6 weeks, providing youth with a rewarding employment experience, enhancing work ethic, and helping create the building blocks for our younger generation’s future career’s
To apply, review the Employer Application Checklist and complete the 2024 SCP Employer Application. Be sure to include the job title, job description, and a WSIB Clearance Certificate along with your application and submit to:
Leeann Peltier
Wikwemikong Development Commission
2102 Wikwemikong Way
Wikwemikong, ON P0P 2J0
p: (705) 859-3001 ext. 225
f: (705) 859-2000
e: scpcoordinator@wikydevcom.ca