o/a Wikwemikong Development Commission
Wii-ni n'guch-tood
Labour Market Services
Labour Market and Skills Inventory Pilot Project
Survey completions are crucial in providing labour market information to the Wiikwemkoong Unceded Territory. Your input let’s us know what our membership has in terms of education, work experience, and valuable skills. We can then use this information to fill gaps in our labour market by increasing supports in desired industries.
What is the ILMI Pilot Project?
The national Indigenous Labour Market Information pilot project was started after it was identified that First Nations across Canada lacked up-to-date labour market information in our communities. Wii-ni n’guch-tood LMS joined the pilot and began surveying our community members in 2019.
The survey will ask you questions about your employment, education, skills, and training (past, present, & future). This will give our community a better understanding of what training opportunities are of interest here in our community.
Your survey can be updated annually. As an incentive we host multiple draws throughout the year. You will automatically be entered into all our draws for the fiscal year once a completed survey is submitted and reviewed.
- Age 15 & over
- A Wiikwemkoong band member
(On or off reserve)
If you have previously completed a survey and would like to update it, please contact:
Jason Mishibinijima
LMSI Surveyor
Wii-ni n’guch-tood LMS
(705) 859-3001 ext.228